If any industry had a stake in reducing its use of petroleum, it would be the airline industry. At 35% of total costs, jet fuel is often an airline’s biggest expense.1 Despite consuming 14% less fuel in 2011 than in 2000, U.S. carriers’ total fuel expenditures


Many biological materials like plants or animal fats can be made into fuels that power vehicles, ships, and aircraft, while producing up to 90% less greenhouse gases than their petroleum-based equivalents.1 Like domestic oil drilling, adding these home-grown products to America’s fuel mix strengthens our GDP2 and


Some of America’s earliest vehicles were powered by electricity, before automakers moved toward internal combustion engines that relied on cheap and convenient petroleum fuels. Over a century later, combustion engine vehicles dominate the market and petroleum accounts for all but one-tenth of 1% of energy


The U.S. freight rail system consists of 139,000 miles of track used to move 40% of the nation’s goods each year.1 It also provides the cleanest, safest, and most energy efficient way to transport freight over land.2 Trucks will always play a vital role in servicing the


U.S. highways already suffer from traffic issues, with 23% of urban congestion resulting from trucking.1 This problem will likely worsen, as freight transportation is projected to grow 50% by 2040.2 Heavy trucks are also responsible for roughly 19% of GHG emissions3 and 17% of energy use associated with


While rail has always been a major carrier of freight in the U.S., railroad passenger travel declined sharply in the mid-20th century, following regulatory changes and massive federal investment in the highway system.1 Today, passenger rail is beginning to rebound, as Americans look for alternatives to


Roughly 80% of Americans live in cities or nearby suburban neighborhoods. Even the traditionally rural Midwest and South are catching up, with 76% of their respective populations now living in urban areas.1 These communities face higher traffic congestion, which results in longer commutes, lost economic opportunities,